Alerting all you taco aficionados. The lovely ladies of La Lucha taqueria and Taco NYC will be hosting a taco tasting exclusively for you. It's about time right? You'll start off with a flauta appetizer, followed by a variety of tacos including vegetarian options. Make sure you leave room for a traditional Mexican dessert.
Details are:
When: Tuesday, July 27th.
Time: 7pm
Where: La Lucha Tacos and Boutique, 147 Avenue A (Between 9th and 10th Street) New York City
Cost: $12.00
How many tacos? You'll be able to sample from five different tacos
RSVP: taconyc@gmail.com (space is limited)
1 comment:
You have been to a lot of wine tasting but have you been to a taco tasting? Now you can.Taco lovers have to go there. It is a great opportunity for women.
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